Port Information
Port Information
Port Operation Hours
Working Shift | Saturday to Thursday | Friday |
First | 0730-1200 hours 1300-1530 hours |
0730-1130 hours 1400-1530 hours |
Second | 1530-1700 hours 1730-2300 hours |
1530-1700 hours 1730-2300 hours |
A third shift from 2300-0730 hours can also be worked, if necessary, at the Authority's discretion. |
Port Delivery Hours
Monday to Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
0730-1200 hours 1300-1700 hours |
0730-1145 hours 1415-1700 hours |
0730-1200 hours |
- First day of Chinese New Year
- Labour Day
- First Day of Gawai Dayak
- First day of Hari Raya Aidilfitri
- National Day
- Christmas Day
Prior to 1961, all the ports in Sarawak were administered jointly by Government Agencies, namely the Marine Department, responsible for movements of ships into and out of ports; the Royal Customs and Excise Department, responsible for custody of cargoes in the shed; and the Public Works Department, responsible for construction and maintenance of wharves, sheds and other facilities.
While this administrative set-up served its objective, it was nonetheless felt that much was still left to be desired to achieve greater co-ordination of port activities. A move in this direction was made with the enactment of the Port Authorities Ordinance in 1961.
Formation of Rajang Port Authority
The Authority came into legal existence on 1st November 1970 but commenced its operation on 17th May 1971. Its establishment represented a positive step towards providing more efficient port services.
With better organisation and planning, it achieves faster development through better wharf facilities, more economical and up-to-date modes of handling cargoes, and greater convenience in importing and exporting goods.